


Sacred Taste is a producer of premium, organic, gluten free, refined sugar free, preservative free, vegan Drinking Cacao. Founded in Melbourne, Australia, we hand blend Raw Amazonian Cacao with plant-based whole-food ingredients to create a unique and delicious, healthy Drinking Cacao range.

We support the Ashaninka tribes in cultivating only the finest, heirloom criollo cacao beans that are ethically sourced and sustainably made to bring you the joy, happiness, peace and harmony that each cup of cacao can provide. It’s our mission to preserve the land and protect the culture from where our cacao comes from whilst helping the western world reconnect to the planet and their purpose through remembering what is Sacred.


5 products
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Ceremony - Ceremonial CacaoCeremony - Ceremonial Cacao
Vitality - Matcha Mint CacaoVitality - Matcha Mint Cacao
Love - Rose CacaoLove - Rose Cacao
Fire -  Chilli CacaoFire -  Chilli Cacao
Earth - Original CacaoEarth - Original Cacao

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